Official website


IGreen Man announces
A New World Religion
The Original Tradition of the Universal Cosmic Mother
Healing the Planet
Agenda World Tour2013/14

(Key page)"Origin"
My Teaching with
24 Source Books, including 24 pdf-versions
with links to all  writings

How can I give up my ego?
Meeting Green Man
MeiMei is joining!
2013 The Oracle

Contact us

See also

"Green University"
Training Programme
Green Men & Wise Women

Join his Wilderness Training 2013/14

Our Studio
Webcam Live Broadcasts

Radio-interview (19.8.2012) with Rinus van Warven (in Dutch)
Intercultural Exchange
Cosmic Mother
She Is Everywhere!

Among others
See also: "Green Men & Wise Women Pilgrim Network"

the spiritual encyclopedia
Teaching Interview "HOUR OF TRUTH"
To our Picture Galleries

Spiritual poetry


Letter to the Media

Letter to International, Religious, Cultural, Scientific, Political, Economic Organizations

Letter to Interfaith Organizations

Letter to Green Initiatives WorldWide

Letter "The Original Tradition"
See Links 1-12 in the index-page

Letter "Why a Cosmic Religion?"

Letter "Know Yourself"

Letter "Cosmic Gender"

Letter "Eco-Spirituality I"

Letter "Eco-Spirituality II"

Letter "Sacred Groves"

Letter "Healing Communities"

Letter "Cosmic Governance"

Letter "Cancer as Multi-Etiological Sumtotal Syndrome" (MESS)

Letter "Digital Dementia"

Letter "Mother Healing"

Letter "Stone Age Therapy for Modern (Wo)Man"

 Letter "Free Personal Health Plan in 10 Steps"

Letter "Gratitude"


The Original Tradition
of the
Universal Cosmic Mother

Healing the Planet

Han Marie Stiekema Sermes


Based on:
Spiritual Service, Health Service, Community Service
Earth Service

that will totally transform the world.
To the media world-wide

Ó Han Marie Stiekema


Brothers and sisters, your effort to promote interreligious understanding
is a hopeful sign.
I see two stages in INTERFAITH effort. First there is the stage of
It is focussing on the problems of the world.
Especially your commitment to promoting peace, tolerance, justice and
harmony with nature is admirable.
Evidently, these are tough times. I know, that even within your
organizations, motivation to participate is declining.
Several factors are involved. One of the most damaging is the competition
by the "virtual" world.
It is sucking people's minds and souls, to such an extent, that
concerns for the real world are rapidly diminishing.
There might be a deeper cause, as well. In your aim of establishing
UNITY in DIVERSITY, the factor Unity is problematic.
It may be the main reason why your efforts remain superficial.
The various Religions constitute Diversity. In order to become fruitful,
it should be balanced by Unity, though.
As long as people consider "their God" as exclusive, clinging
to the various dogma's,
TRUE UNITY will remain an illusion.
Unity of Religions can only be achieved by a Realm
that doesn't compete with existing concepts. What we need is a NEW DIMENSION, one that cannot be claimed by anyone.
"Something" that is incorruptable, "something" that doesn't have an
identity of its own. For "identity" causes conflict.
Emptiness contains all forms, it is therefore the only Realm that meets
the requirements.
Thus, the Mother as Absolute Nothingness is the only DIMENSION that
can bring UNITY in DIVERSITY.
She is beyond God - Darkness giving birth to the Light - therefore, She
is not competing with God in any way.
Just like an earthly mother, loving her children unconditionally, without
interfering with their play.
Moreover, every Religion has memories of the Mother, many still have
a place for Her in their pantheon.
Hence, our INTERFAITH work being the promotion of the MATERNAL
DIMENSION OF GOD within your own tradition*.
I love to come to you to support, empower, enlighten, guide and enrich
your effort through MOTHER'S SPIRIT,
to the benefit of all and everyone.

*In our quest for the Truth, some painful truths cannot be avoided.
Especially, the origination of the ego cannot be explained without
mentioning the Churches' share in it. Be assured: I fully accept
and love every Christian unconditionally.

Independent, non-denominational, non-commercial

© Copyright Han Marie Stiekema Sermes.
All rights reserved

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we recommend you to first going back to the beginning of
Han Marie Stiekema's website.
Please, click HOME and proceed from there


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We are not responsible for the content of external links.

The texts of this website were granted to me "by the Cosmos". They therefore are the Heritage of the Whole of Mankind. Everybody can thus freely read. study and download them. It means also, that against those who try to use these ideas, concepts and texts for their own personal gain e.g. benefit through copying them in dissertations, books, essays, blogs or websites legal action will be undertaken. No-one can claim, copy or derive any text, rights,
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1997-2013 © Copyright Han Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Last revising: 08/11/13

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