A New Teacher has stand up.
He claims to have realized the unsurpassed Threefold Cosmic Realization (1977).
Nothingness, he says, "proves to be the Mother of God and the universe".
Mother's Revelation comes exactly at the right time. Because the world is entangled in a
self-created Ego-Catastrophy. The future of humankind is at stake. History has proven that
nothing - no any religion or political system - could stop the ego from growing. An ego
that refuses to "die" is blowing itself further up. Now it has become a
cancer-growth, destroying the earth. Only Absolute Nothingness can curb it. Hence his
Universal Teaching: Return to the Origin ("die into the Cosmic Mother") in order
to be Renewed. Once your True Self is born, become part of the Whole - Heaven, earth and
the (new) community" - once again. It is humanity's last resort. |
Han Marie
From HanMariepedia, the spiritual encyclopedia
Han Marie Stiekema (HMS), born Herman
Paul Joseph Marie Stiekema on March 11, 1942, in Groningen, the Netherlands. He
graduated in 1972 as a medical doctor, as one of the first of his country having
specialized in holistic, natural e.g. evolutionary medicine. His life should take a
dramatically different course, though. In 1977, during a short stay in Poona, India, the
deepest possible spiritual Realization was granted to him. Ever since, this
"Event" determined his whole further life. It a.o. resulted in writing down his
experiences. Some 24 different books and many essays have been published for free in the
internet. His website receives some 3000-14.000 entries every day. Recently, many years of
being a "hermit" came into a new phase. He is now seeking ways to sharing his
mission - Healing the Planet - in a more direct way.
Han Marie Stiekema

Born: |
Herman Paul Joseph Marie Stiekema
March, 1942 (age 70)
Groningen NL |
Occupation: |
Medical doctor |
Language: |
English, German, Dutch. |
Genres: |
(Eco)Spirituality, Culture Renewal, Psychology,
Metaphysics, Medicine |
Notable Works: |
24 Source Books
www.vitalworld.org |
While existing religions
define "the Light" (God) as the Ultimate Reality, Han Marie claims to
have gone beyond it. Not through concepts, ideas, visions or even experiences, but through
direct interference of the Divine itself. To him the Divine ("God") is
(continuously) born from Absolute Nothingness. It is corresponding with the insights of
modern physics (vacuum physics, astrophysics, cosmology) that confirm, that the whole of
the universe is "born out" of a Vacuum, while continuously returning to it. The
deepest Cosmic (spiritual) Realization, therefore, brings one back to the Origin of All,
ontogenesis being equal to phylogenesis.
Ever since his Great
Experience, HMS - who, knowing his Essence to be Bottomless Emptiness, containing
all forms, therefore playing with various names for "himself", like New Teacher,
Sermes, the Green Man or Laughing Buddha - lived in a state of "uninterrupted
Bliss" for 10 years, wandering around like a "monk", mostly on the bicycle,
often without a home, without any special needs or possessions, totally carefree
"like a lily in the field", enjoying nature and people, while writing
(spiritual) poetry. Because everything within and without was (is) perfect, he didn't have
any need to promote "himself", let alone to "start a business".
His Youth
Born from parents who deeply loved each
other, "Green Man" experienced the last three years of German
occupation, images still being remembered. He nearly escaped death as SS-bullets destroyed
his little bed, just two minutes after his mother took him out. Other experiences -
Gestapo-men at the door, air-raids with bomb-alarm - caused a deep sense of the horrors of
war. Despite that, his first two years were "paradise", while later, after the
family had the burden of raising four children, he started to feel abandoned and "on
his own". He became a boy with "deep inner waters, guarding a precious treasure
within". Only a few years before her death, his mother told him about her own
Enlightenment, something that she had kept for herself her whole life, "because she
didn't want to distract her son from good education and career".
Because of his pre-occupation with his
"inner depth", to him high school wasn't a great time (at all).
Especially physics, mathematics and chemistry were an abomination. He therefore has stayed
down two times. Finishing it was a great relief. His time in the military (medical troups)
wasn't therefore that bad. He enjoyed his stay as part of the Nato-forces in Germany*.
There, close to the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen, he again was confronted with the
war. Especially after having found children's graves in the open. It was a time of grief
and contemplation on the "human condition". His entry into university, on the
other hand, was a "liberation". He started studying medicine out of
"idealism", in contrast to the majority, which was seeking status and money,
only. The curriculi were surprisingly easy, nay embarassingly "stupid",
memorizing stuff rather than investigating it. He therefore became more and more critical
to the program, even openly rebellious. At last he still wanted to become a doctor,
"but not the way it had been taught to him".
* After his Realization (1977) he
became acknowledged as a conscientious objector......
His Great Experiences
As a young boy he rejected Christianity,
saying that it was "false", not based on the Truth. He enjoyed nature, wildlife
(bird watching), heroic stories from the Middle Ages (Robin Hood), and platonic love.
Later, he became philosophically interested, reading hundreds of books from various
writers. At university his thirst for knowledge was almost insatiable, following
additional classes in psychology, sociology and cultural anthropology. Religion wasn't a
part of it. Instead, the "cultural revolution" of the sixties got a great appeal
to him. He tried to "let his dreams come true" and moved to the countryside.
Apart from his clinic in natural medicine (for which he became very famous), he involved
himself in organic gardening, the founding of a consumer cooperative and more. It lasted
until 1972, that he read his first booklet about "Eastern spirituality". From
that moment on, events happened in an almost "logical" sequence. First "an
old wise man" came to his consultation hour and predicted, "that his life would
be the fulfillment of the Parcival legend". The poor man was openly laughed in his
face....Two years after, a transcendental Vision wasn't so easy to wave aside, though. He
took it seriously, went to Karl Graf Dürckheim to be taught in Zen, where he had his
first Satori breakthrough.
Han Marie found its culmination in October
1977, when he was with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Poona, India. After four days,
he suddenly and totally unexpected (he had come to Bhagwan, because of great attraction to
the latter, with no further ambitions of his own), out of "total innocence", a
transcendental Lightning destroyed his entire Being, leaving only Absolute Blackness
behind. Within a second or so after, he found "himself" dissolved into the
Eternal Divine Light. There wasn't any watcher, no any consciousness left, just limitless
and timeless Oneness. Only THAT was (is) all that existed (exists). The whole day its
intensity was undiminished. Han Marie just laughed and laughed. "How stupid he had
been", "how simple this is", indeed how "absurd" everything is.
There wasn't any inner or outer. "The whole world", HMS says, "appeared as
the content of infinite and timeless Space, the Space which I AM. I AM the All-Embracing
One".....Through that Space "everything was interconnected, yet, everything had
the glance of its beauty e.g. uniqueness"....Oneness being filled with transcendental
joy, overflowing. As "a prisoner of the Eternal" he enjoyed unlimited freedom.
At last his gratefulness towards the Cosmos was indescribable.
What was really unique though, was
the "Trinity", that eventually constituted what would become his Threefold
Cosmic Realization. Because that night after, he found himself in an Ocean of Horror, once
again happening "out of the blue". Not an anxiety within, but all around,
extending itself to all corners of the room (and beyond). It immediately sucked in all
faculties of his bodymind: his energy, his "aura", his bodily feelings, his
thinking, his emotions. Just limitless Angst, the awareness of the acuteness of the
situation, close to death or psychosis. He smelled odor of death within, a flash e.g.
image of worms eating his flesh, feeling deep electrical waves of extreme cold.
Intuitively he understood, that only sitting in an exact upright position could "save
his life". Even the slightest deviation from the vertical caused an acute danger of
"being sucked in". In this position he sat for many hours, until dawn. The more
extended his awareness became, the more the horror lessened. In the morning, the fear had
totally subsided. His realization: "I have returned from the Underworld, I
resurrected from death!" Only after having been less than a week in Poona (and
without having been a sannyasin), HMS was home again. He and his wife separated, ending a
very troublesome relationship. It would become the beginning of his 10 years of ongoing
Bliss, including some more Great Experiences. Peculiar was, that one night, totally out of
Nothingness, he ("It") spontaneously and without thinking, wrote "The
Ultimate Sutra", with Maitreya Buddha as its subject, something that puzzled him for
many years.
"Dark Night of the Soul"
At the end of those blissful years,
Oneness started moving to the background. Its intensity became less. At the same time, and
to his regret, some very stubborn emotional obstacles popped up in his conciousness.
Generally, it is assumed, that through Enlightenment all inner hindrances disappear. Han
Marie acknowledged that this is true with regard to most of them, but not to all. He felt
he was standing at a crossroad. On the one hand, with little effort, he could decide to
cultivate his enlightened state, and thus forgetting the obstacles. Increasingly, he
rejected this option. Rather than becoming a guru, he went back to zero, in order to
integrate the emotional complexes into his new identity. His consideration was "how
one could guide people towards wholeness, if the teacher himself is not truly whole".
Just like anybody else he went into therapy. In the course of time he discovered, that
very few spiritual teachers consider this as important. To the contrary, they simply
define the personality as illusory. While Han Marie, on the other hand, very strongly
understood the importance of it. He was personally confronted by his ego, identifying
itself with his enlightened state, subsequently blowing itself up. This he recognised as a
major spiritual problem of which he saw many examples around him. The East hardly knows
about this, major support comes from Christian Mysticism (E. Underhill) though. The
struggle to integrate it was immense and took many years. Crucial was his discovery, that
in this case Enlightenment could not help him. He went into a stage of utter hopelessness.
Suddenly he remembered the sequence of his Realisation. It did not start with
Enlightenment, but with Absolute Nothingness. Darkness as the Birthgiver of the Light is
the Ultimate Reality e.g. the true mystery. In ancient times this was called the Cosmic
Womb or Great Mother. Enlightenment and the Ocean of Horror (see above) corresponding with
"Her" Cosmic Forces of Creation and Destruction..... Its key
characteristics are destruction of everything old, sick, ugly and evil, while continously
giving birth to the new, the healthy, the beautiful and the good. Contrary to
Enlightenment, the Bottomless Depth of the Mother can not be realised, attained or
possessed. Eventually, through surrendering his ego to Her Bottomlessness, HMS found the
solution to his problem. It is the Ultimate Liberation.
His early
teachings (1980-1992) dealt with awakening. He designed a program for it, calling
it the Integral (later the Universal) Way. It would become the fundamentals for his
Fasting Meditation Retreats, the Fasting Meditation Peace Walks, the Living Zen School
(1981), his stay in Japan teaching Zen to Japanese (1990-91), the Maitreya Mind Center in
HongKong (1991-1992), and his teaching to Trappist monks. He considers this first step in
awakening the most important one, making the transition from unconscious identification to
becoming one's inner observer or True Self. The "rest" he says, is an
"extra bonus". It may lead to more extended states of Conciousness, a
"ladder", of which he himself experienced and has described eight stages,
including the very rare Cosmic (Threefold) Realization (see above). In the course of time,
and because the critical situation (wo)mankind is in, he increasingly focussed on the ego
as the self-centered destructive agent of the human mind. Enlightenment, because of the
very real danger of abusive identification, cannot bring a final solution to this problem
e.g. the ego always eager to blowing itself up with it. The only way the ego can be
destroyed e.g. curbed e.g. integrated, is through confrontation with Absolute Nothingness
or Cosmic Mother. Based on these insights, he founded "The Original Tradition of the
Universal Cosmic Mother", consisting of Green Men and Wise Women, restoring the
oldest spiritual tradition on earth. Because the survival of humanity is at stake, he
calls his mission "Healing the Planet", and the way to it
"eco-spirituality". He has elaborated this further by mentioning 10 essential
steps for an urgent "Holistic Transformation", consisting of a New Cosmology, a New Spirituality, a New Ethics, a New Economy, a New Health
Care, a New Society, a New Woman/Man, a New Education, a New Earth, a New Vision.
To go to the core of the
ego-problem, one has to go back to the past first. Originally the "I"
was embedded in the context of "Heaven, earth and the community". People's minds
were dominated by a deep sense of relationship. "Ego"-activity did not harm
life, like it does now, but contributed to the well-being of the Whole. Christianity
destroyed this relationship. It persecuted all those who had a direct relationship with
the Divine ("heretics"), with nature ("pagans", women), while
subsequently destroying the spiritual foundation of entire communities. It needed many
centuries (Inquisition!) to achieve this "noble task". In the end people's
spirits were broken. The only way out was to fall back on their ego's. It was the
beginning of the renaissance. Ever since, the ego functioned without a context. From its
own point of view, this was a "liberation": the freedom to do what you (your
self-centered desires) want. Lacking a context, the ego increasingly experienced the
shadow parts of "freedom", though. As an isolated entity, it suffered from
existential Angst, estrangement and meaninglessness. It started to compensate this with
having*: the accumulation of material gains: money, possessions, status, work, power, sex,
distraction. It (he) started living in an surrogate ("Ersatz") world, that
eventually didn't really satisfy him. To have, as a way to compensate for the loss of
Being, became an obsession. At last it resulted in the Ego-Catastrophy of our times.
* "To have is the inability to Be"
The cause of the ego-disease is,
that it lost contact with its context. To cure it, several possibilities will be under
scrutiny here. First there is the "traditional" way of coping with it: through
taking refuge in "God". By surrendering to "Him", the ego finds a
"Home" to rest. The point is, that rather than finding refuge in God, people are
identifying themselves with an image of God, provided by a religious belief-system.
Religious concepts, dogma's and convictions are in between. Very soon one is caught by all
kinds of "theologies". In practice it means, that the ego disconnects from
certain old identifications (the "materialistic" ones), in order to identify
itself with new. Very quickly one becomes part of the dualism between
"believers" and "non-believers". Hence, the ego didn't disappear, but
just changed clothes. The solution is "the way within", to find "God"
in your own innermost core. The first step to it is to become aware. By stepping back, one
discovers an inner distance between one's inner observer, a hitherto unknown inner
dimension, and one's thinking. "I am here (my New Self), and my thoughts are there,
in front of me. While I stay here, thoughts, emotions and desires come and go, I am
(inner) Space with thoughts as its content". Yes, this is indeed a major step towards
true liberation. However, once again one will be confronted by trouble. First of all, this
step is induced by ego. Self-effort is the base of it. In practice, it proves to be very
difficult to overcome the ego through the ego.....Too many are entangled in a vicious
circle. Combined with an ever increasing stressful life (complicated by the addiction to
the "virtual world"), and the ongoing disturbance by unprocessed emotions coming
from one's unconscious, the result is, that only a small group of "chosen ones"
"manages" to be "mindful" for a certain time of the day. For the
majority it appears to be "too much effort".
To what (whom) are people calling,
being in a situation of life and death? When robust men - soldiers - face to instantly
being killed? Right, they cry out for "mother". It is not that they have first
thought about crying for mother. No, this desperate cry for help comes out of their
deepest Depth. It is more than calling for your own mother. It is the noumenous Dimension
- the HereNow of the Eternal Mother - they are crying for. It proves that the
"Mother" is truly the last resort, the Ultimate Reality (crying for
"father" would be absurd and....powerless). Taking this insight seriously - and
I hope you do - brings you to your True Home. Spiritually She is the Dimension beyond God
and the universe, Emptiness beyond Emptiness, the Absolute Vacuum, as confirmed by
physics. In Her "Cosmic Womb" everything continuously disappears
("dies"....), while being reborn at the selfsame Moment. That's why She is the
ultimate solution to the ego-problem. The ego is so cunning, that in (almost) all
situations it can find something to cling to. As we have seen, even "God" gives
rise to new identifications. The only Realm that is able to confront the ego is Absolute
Nothingness. The ego has no answer when confronted with Her Bottomlessness. The miracle:
the Destructive Force of the Cosmos being the Ultimate Redeemer to the problems of
(wo)mankind. The West has never understood this. In India this is a common heritage. Kali
is passionately loved, because She destroys evil! Black instead of white (Light) is the
color that truly liberates. In Europe She is represented by the Black Madonna's. The
ultimate liberation includes unconditional surrender (of the ego) to the Cosmic Mother. It
goes without effort, just give it back to Her pre-existent Destructive
("sucking") Force, preferably in a dark room, shortly before sleeping. Observe
everything with great clarity, while whispering "please, Mother, take my ego from
me". Sooner or later the ego separates itself from your inner watching e.g. your true
"I" is born. In order to "incarnate", this your True Self has to
become part of the Whole - Heaven, earth and the (new) community - once again. The latter
is called "Existential Consciousness". It is the foundation for the creation of
a future One World Community.*
* Relevant links: www.healingtheplanet.info, index page.
"Unless there is a spiritual
renaissance, the world will know no peace"
Dag Hammarskjöld, former Secretary-General of the
United Nations
What additionally
characterizes Green Man is the fact, that it took some 33 years to come to the
open as a New Teacher, that he never collected any followers, did not start a center, kept
a low key e.g. simple life, did not accumulate wealth, is a deeply involved lover/partner
to his wife MeiMei, whom he married in 1992, and finally published everything he wrote for
free in the internet.
First of all, he is eternally grateful
to that unknown (!) old wise man, who apparently triggered Han Marie's spiritual life by
the prophecies he made. Equally dear to him is Karl Graf Dürckheim, who helped him
crossing the road to his True Self. The latter also supported him in emphasizing the
responsibility one has towards spiritual Realization. It creates an obligation to share it
with (all) others. The great turning point clearly happened through the presence of
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. The latter's influence was contradictory. On the one hand, he
facilitated Han Marie's Ultimate Realization, while on the other hand was himself an
example of clinging to his enlightened state. This insight helped HMS in later stages not
to make the same mistake. In fact, Bhagwan did a great job, for which he remains
unforgettable. To the Realm beyond Enlightenment, Bhagwan had nothing to contribute,
though. Here Han Marie found inspiration through a wonderful man - Sri Ramakrishna - one
of the few, who acknowledged the Mother (Kali) as the Ultimate Reality. Up to this very
day, a spiritual sister - Teresa of Avila - is very significant to him. Teresa is not the
person the Church has made out of her. To the contrary, she is a most original, deeply
mystical, non-conventional, courageous woman, who's teachings of surrender to the Ultimate
have not lost any of its importance. To some it may be a surprise, but the last on his
list is......science. Physics has confirmed that his Realization is universal and
scientifically sound. The entire universe - nothing excluded - is born from a Cosmic
Vacuum, while continuously returning to its Source. In his essay "The Supreme
Design" Han Marie combines major insights from science and spirituality, proving that
the future of religion can only be cosmic.
It is his deepest conviction, that the
(current) world crisis, ultimately, is a spiritual one. "To have is the
inability to Be". A world crisis implies a world teacher, one who possesses all the
wisdom, compassion and strength for a necessary worldwide transformation. A universal mind
is needed to overcome all obstacles and to open the gate to a "new Heaven, a new
Earth and new Community". This Mind is everybody's inherent Conciousness! Han Marie
Stiekema, therefore, calls on all responsible people, to do everything to discover,
realize, develop and share his/her own Universal Mind, everything to the benefit of all
"living and non-living beings". It starts with becoming aware, together with an inner distance towards
self-centered thinking (ego). With the help of the body your consciousness stabilizes
itself. It may extend itself, exceeding bodily limits. While the latter "drops
off", your direct surroundings - your chair, the carpet, the table, the cat - all
become content of your extended Space. It is the first experience of true love e.g.
compassion - you embrace everything like yourself. You are the Space - eventually
becoming the Omnipresence - in which you as well as everything else is.
Its inclusivity raises great joy. Sooner or later self-effort will show its limits,
though. The chance for an ongoing "battle" between your awareness and the ever
returning ego is great. Stress, fatigue, demotivation, "dryness" or depression
may take possession of you. Not to speak of confrontations with serious undissolved inner
conflicts. It could be the moment of acknowledging the limits of
"doing it yourself". Instead of "attaining" e.g.
"realizing", you surrender to the Depth of your existence, in order to become
* HMS' teachings are utterly original, a true
breakthrough, not a copy of existing spiritual systems and not aimed at adapting to
people's self-centered desires e.g. interests.
The Oracle Q&A
Q. To be ego-less, is that the purpose of life? A.
You let it "die" as the centre of self-identity, yes. Instead of being the
master, it appears to be the periphery of your Mind Q. So, the ego
doesn't disappear? A. The ego is a "bundle of functions", a
useful "servant" to your True Self Q. From self-centeredness to
being part of the Whole, once again? A. Absolutely! You are very wise. I
wished others to have the same clear insight!
the Mother prevail")
- Vlinder in de Eeuwige Vallei, 1978, De Driehoek.
- Levend Zen, 1981, Speeltuin der Ernst.
- De Innerlijke Weg, 1988, Speeltuin der Ernst.
- Restoring the Wholeness of Life, 1990, The Alternative Press.
- Het Verlichte Handelen, 1995, Speeltuin der Ernst.
- Stroomsysteem en Optimale Vitaliteit, 1993, OVC Publications.
- Flow System Therapy, 1999, PIP Press.
24 Internet Source Books:
Please, click "Origin" on the index page
- Flow System & Optimal Vitality: Including Personal Health
- Flow System Therapy: HandBook Wholistic Medicine
- Stone Age Therapie for Modern (Wo)Man: Chinese Guasha Therapy
- Restoring the Wholeness of Life: Meditation Guide
- Enlightenment in Action:
- The Ego Catastrophy: The Shattered West
- Rooted in Heaven & Earth: Historical Overview
- Revelation of the Cosmic Mother: The Sacred Book
- Mother Healing: Spiritual/Emotional/Physical
- The Original Tradition: Including 12 Religions
- Son/Lover of the Cosmic Mother: Spiritual Autobiography
- European Pilgrim Network: Green Men & Wise Women
- MatriTalks: 72 Interviews
- Great Mother Buddhism: Cosmic Mother/Maitreya
Buddha/Eco-Dharma/New Sangha
- Mother Church: Church of the Mother
- She is everywhere: Jai Mata Di! Worldwide Research
- Omniverses: Sayings & Poetry
- The WholisticTransformation: Manifesto for the 21. Century
- Book of Renewal: The European Complex
- The Revolution of Being: Being rather than Having
- Essays, Letters & Newsletter: Program Overview
- Science & Cosmic Spirituality: The Supreme Design
- Picos de Europa: Sacred Mountains: An eco-spiritual
- Black Madonna's & Green Men: Northern Spain
- De Integrale Weg I - Inleiding. 2006
- De Integrale Weg II - De Praktijk. 2006
- Heel het Leven. 2006.
- PilgrimCare: Camino de Santiago. 2004.
- Welkom in Satsang 2002.
- Ontmoetingen met Han Marie Stiekema: nr. 1. Utrecht Talk.
- Jenseits der Erleuchtung Nr. 1, 2, 3... Kassel, 2000-2001.
- Der Integrale Weg, Balingen, 2003.
- Samenzijn in waarheid: Gesprek met Han Marie Stiekema. 2001.
- Zusammensein in Wahrheit: Satsang mit Han Marie Stiekema.
In the last 12 years of his writing as a "hermit",
his work has not been offered to the public e.g. the media, hence, at this moment no
references are available. HMS' teachings are utterly original, a true breakthrough, not a
copy of existing spiritual systems and not aimed at adapting to people's self- centered
desires e.g. interests. For meetings, teachings, healings and trainings, please send him
an e-mail.
Internal Links
- www.healingtheplanet.info
- www.vitalworld.org
- WIKIpedia doesn't welcome teachings. That's why Han
Marie created his own HanMariepedia. Be assured, it is as "objective" and
"truthful" as its great example......Those who seriously seek spiritual guidance
are welcome to visit my hermitage.
last stage of life HMS will spend in harmony with "Heaven and
Earth". For that his hermitage will be relocated to the mountains (favourite
area: Northern Spain). But first he will start a World Tour, in order to introduce himself
and his teaching to all and everyone. He has chosen Q&A sessions ("The
Oracle") as a most suitable way for people to find out "what it is all
about". You may ask all kinds of questions, preferably those that come directly out
of your heart. His answers come from his inner Depth. They are most revealing, original,
enlightening and healing.

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Mission: Cosmic Mother Healing the
2013 Copyright©Han Marie
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