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"You don't find the Grail,
the Grail is finding you"


PS. Previously, in my website I used the term "Oracle". It has to be replaced by "Cosmic Coaching"

See also:



Cosmic Coaching

Cosmic Coaching is being coached by the Cosmos. It means that both Coach and client tune in to the(ir) Ultimate Depth. The pre-requisite is that the Coach is a Realized One e.g. has an open contact with this his/her Ultimate Dimension. "Not me but the Cosmos in me is coaching". After the tuning is completed a question can be asked. These questions should be existential, coming from the depth of your "soul". Like "who am I", "where do I come from", "where am I going", "what is the meaning of (my) life", "why I have to suffer", "is my love real", "how to serve selflessly" etc. Because of the mutual opening up these questions "ideally" resonate with the inherent Wisdom of the Coach. Possible answers from the mind will not be honored. Instead the Coach will let them pass by. Only responses from the deepest Depth are communicated. It gives the client the "guarantee" that the advice he or she gets really has the value he or she is seeking for. PS. Even a Cosmic Coach is a human being. Hence, his or her tuning in might not always be optimal. In those cases the initial period will take longer time. In case the former fails to resonate altogether, he or she will tell it, terminating the session.

The second stage is, that both partners communicate the meaning of what has come to the surface. In order to be able to guide you in this regard the Coach should have gone through all stages of the spiritual Path as well. He or she should have experienced the pain of alienation, through which he or she knows about your suffering. His or her Heart should be filled with overflowing Compassion. The Coach should have completed the process of personal integration, as well. It means, that he or she has gone through the process of accepting i.e. his or her shadow, all major emotional complexes that were rejected in the past. He or she should have experience with interpreting archetypes and dreams from the collective unconscious. Through the latter the Coach will be able to transmit visions. Eventually, this may lead to "Cosmic Regeneration i.e. Cosmic Realization"* Besides, the Coach should have overcome all major temptations to use (abuse) Cosmic Wisdom for his own ego-purposes. His service to you should be part of his service to the Whole. Your current Coach has indeed gone through all this. His plea to the Mother "May the Cosmos guide you!"

* See: "Universal Teaching"

Moreover, Cosmic Coaches are those, who recognize i.e. acknowledge the Cosmic Mother as the Ultimate Reality. Contrary to the exclusive, static and isolated patriarchal God, the Mother is including all Planes of Existence. She is embracing everything, without exception. Everything, be it human, animals, plants, rocks, rivers or clouds, are content of Her Cosmic Womb. Whether you are a Christian, a Spirit Worshipper or an Atheist you have never been out of Her Womb ever. The big surprise is that the planes of your own Being are corresponding with Cosmic Mother Cosmology. Existential planes within yourself can be recognized through the various belief systems that can be found in cultures all over the world. I have called it Mother's Storehouse. Because all these planes are part of Her All-Embracing Cosmic Womb. Comparing these planes within and without will enrich your spiritual process. It leads to "Unity in diversity" inducing i.e. strengthening your compassion toward your fellow human beings.


From the practice
A compilation


Recently, I suffer from increasing withdrawal. Many times a day I get a flash of receiving a "bad message". It seems that the world is becoming a threat to me. I think deep within I am afraid of everything. I hardly come out of my home, anymore. What could that be?


Let's go within together. You may start with feeling your feet in contact with the floor. Feel and watch. (After some minutes). Start watching your breathing. Feel the breathing out and in. (After some minutes). Keep contact with both the ground and your breathing, while watching the inside of your eyes. Is that comfotable with you?


There is a lot of tension in my eyes.


Okay, just relax and keep contact with your body. (After some minutes). You are not going anywhere, but instead - through the body - gaining a sense of the HereNow. Sooner or later, there will be an inner stability felt: you are "here" and your thoughts are "there", in front of you. There appears to be an inner distance between the two.


(After some minutes). Yes, I can see that. I feel detached and my thinking is passing by.


We can go one step further. While keeping contact with both your feet and the breathing your attention goes within: to your back. You feel the contact of your clothes with your spine e.g. trunk. Do you feel that?


Yes, I do.


Good. You may now imagine that your back is bathing in light. The more you stay in the HereNow, the sooner it will come.


Is this the Cosmic Mandala exercise? Should I imagine the whole image?


No, no, not yet. It is enough to feel the light, while watching e.g. seeing it.


My back becomes warm.


Just relax and enjoy it. Once the light has established itself, remember a moment of fear, like the ones you have in your daily life.


That's not easy now. Everything is very quiet.


I understand. Just invite a moment of fear to come up. When it comes, you "stay where you are". Recognize the fear and ask your depth (every moment your breathing out disappears into your pelvis): what is behind my fear?


(After 7 minutes). Nothing happened until now.


That doesn't matter. Maybe it is good to know, that in the mean time I did exactly the same exercise. So, you are not alone. I am in the same Space as you are. We are in the same Space.


That feels VERY good. It suddenly gives the entire room a different quality. I feel part of a greater Whole. Deep trust enters my being. My body also resonates. A shivering runs along my spine.


Very good. Be that Space and let everything else go.


I had a flash of intense anger.


Yes, I see it.


O, my God. It is directed toward my little brother. It isn't anger, it is sheer hatred.


You see yourself as a child together with your little brother?


Yes, yes, an entire surge of images appears. I see myself as a young child. Very much loved by my mother. Then (after two years) my little brother was born. Because he was very weak, he immediately claimed my mother's attention, in such a way, that I felt acutely abandoned.


So, what do you feel now?


My anger has turned into overwhelming pain. My mother suddenly feels miles away from me, unapproachable.


So, first there was pain?


Yes, I lost my mother. And my little brother is the cause of it. He managed to totally occupy my mother's love. Not only then, but for many years after, as well.


Is that the cause of your hatred?


It is. Of course, I had to keep it for myself. That's why I became very introverted. "A boy with deep waters" my parents used to say.


But now you can see it clearly?


Very much so. The Space HereNow makes everything very transparent. Everything is interrelated. First there was (is) this immense pain of having lost my mother. It turned into hatred toward my brother whom I accused of being the cause of my suffering.


What about your fear?


My fear is always there. It is directly linked to my hatred e.g. my strong desire (as a young child) to get rid of my little brother. It is the fear for my hatred being discovered.


What would happen in that case?


I had many dreams in the past, where "they" were after me. Trying to punish me for "crimes" I had committed.


How do you feel now?


It is the Space that makes the difference. It gives me the security I once was begging for. It somehow feels like a homecoming. My pain, anger and fear have lost their power. Is this Space what you call the Cosmic Mother?


It is Her Light Body*.


Joy appears at the horizon. It dawns to me that the "Mother" is giving me a second chance. She is fully accessible, so I feel my obsession towards my mam is dissolving. Moreover, there is no little brother standing in between, anymore.


And there is no reason for being afraid of "the world" either.


Right. It is a domino-effect. Once they generated each other, now they drag each other down into nothingness


Haven't you forgotten something?


(After 10! minutes). O, yes, of course. Neither my mother nor my brother is to blame. My mother certainly loved me but was incapable to express it  and my brother claimed my mother because he had to survive .....I should forgive them!


Forgiving them means they were somehow guilty?


(Silence). Well, eh, of course not. Both acted out of deficiency. My mother because she was overburdened, my brother because he was very weak at birth




The human condition is that of deficiency. What the East calls karma. Once you see deficiency determining one generation after the other, everything can be accepted. Things are simply like they are. No guilt.


I like the word "deficiency" as a definition for our human condition.


Through becoming Space these conditionings disappear, though. Eventually, I am NOT my karma!


Three days later my client called. His fear had completely evaporated.


(After 4 months). I now grasp what you mean by "Cosmic Mother". She is indeed a miracle. Only Nothingness can unwind your inner knots.....Through daily worship these dark clouds are definitely gone for ever. I am a new man! My new insight in life: "How can you accept others if you yourself don't feel accepted!"


May you always trust the Mother!

* In the Great Night Initiation one directly go into Mother's Dark Essence

NB. Obviously, this is a very personal record of one client. The sessions are always (very) different. Sometimes only the CC goes into the Depth, with the client asking questions

By Appointment


Appendix: Esoterism

Not all people have the ultimate humility of returning to the Origin..... Some (many!) ego's simply refuse to recognize their place as part of the greater Whole. To surrender and becoming a "nobody" is the last thing they are willing to. Hence, they certainly won't go "back to zero". Instead, the ego is "inventing a trick". It is VERY clever to secure its own survival! His way out of its dilemma is the following. In order to "give meaning to life", it creates its own realities, using every idea, insight, image or concept it can get. In esoterism Realities are reduced to objects of the mind. They are toys to play with. No any reality, no any science, no any feedback with life is needed. Instead, a pseudo-reality is created. Key slogan: "everybody has his/her own truth". This truth is the sumtotal of personal desire, greed, ideals, frustrations, fears and.... lust for power. Everything has to serve one's own "unique", "spiritual", "insight". Phantastic theories are designed with the aim of impressing others. The mind tries to "sell" them with a high degree of "inner logic".

In this pseudo-universe people communicate about "love", "harmony", "reincarnation", your "true self", "entities" like "angels", "devils", "masters" (of course from the Himalaya! or another exotic destination), "messages from above", "channelling", "creating your own reality", "karma", "positive thinking", "Christ consciousness", "contact with spirits", even "wholeness" and "enlightenment" are imitated. In reality, all these "realizations" remain part of the mind, only. It starts with a desire (greed) to "enrich your life". People feel miserable inside, so they start looking for more "fulfilling things". The world is full of negativity, so you start to concentrate on the "positive", only. You start to create an ideal little world (sometimes with great pretensions....) for yourself. Rather than becoming part of the greater Whole - surrendering to a Greater Wisdom - the ego starts grabbing things for itself. Instead of realizing your innermost Core, you are collecting "spiritual" things, the same way you collect material ones. Of course, your ego will never acknowledge this. Your exalted self-image - the desire is to become "spiritual", after all - does not allow this.

Maybe you recognize these things. It is not a shame. In our self-centered society it is a common tendency of the ego to blow itself up. The trouble is: the more you identify with the objects of your desire, the stronger your beliefs. First of all, strong desires turn thoughts and concepts into feelings and experiences. If you identify strongly with the suffering of Christ, after decades of doing so, wounds appear in your hands. So, don't underestimate the "power of desire". The point is, that these phenomena are steered by the ego. (While authentic spiritual Realization is brought about by giving it up!) The result is an ego with a "spiritual" image. Some identify completely with their image, becoming a "guru", "master", "witch" or "goddess". From that moment on they "have overcome all doubts". Their performances breath "absolute wisdom", "cosmic trust" or "unshakable faith". They HAVE to believe their own projections, because deep within they know that their castles are built on sand.

Not surprisingly thus, that these bubbles are kept alive at all costs. These people pretend to represent "the truth". Their "philosophies" aim at "perfection". All doubts have been "overcome". Deep within there is great fear that the emperor might have no clothes, though. Which can only be compensated by fanatism. Hence, they are soft without, but hard within. They are usually very successful in "spreading their mission". Their weak points: accusing "followers not being serious", "doubting the "integrity" of the "master", critisizing their teaching, breaking through the "consensus" of "harmony", exposing i.e. provoking their shadow part, revealing inconsistencies in their behaviour.... Advice: avoid the ego-trip at all costs. Re-connect to your True Self, your sense for Truth within. Because I think we deserve better. Against the background of the global crisis (wo)mankind desperately needs authentic Teachers, Coaches, Guides and Leaders!

"Are you a New (Wo)Man?"
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands

PS. In case you long for authenticity i.e. the real things in life i.e. the true meaning of True Self,  Cosmic Realization, Reincarnation, Entities etc. etc. you may be interested in Cosmic Coaching.

By Appointment

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Science & Religion

Threefold (Cosmic) Realization

Universal Teaching

The Supreme Design

Great Night Initiation

Cosmic Coaching

Jay Mata Di!
(E.g. On evolution)

Cosmic Mother
Healing the Planet

Mother & Sons

Turn On



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1997-2012 © Copyright Han Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Everyone may use this website as a source of inspiration. However, since it
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Last revising: 07/23/13