Womb Worship

Sumerian Scriptures




The Cosmic Mother

Womb Worship


The Way




Inanna's Song of Power

My father* gave me the heavens, gave me the earth,
I am Inanna!
Kingship he gave me,
queenship he gave me,
waging of battle he gave me, the attack he gave me,
the floodstorm he gave me, the hurricane he gave me!
The heavens he set as a crown on my head,
the earth he set as sandals on my feet,
a holy robe he wrapped around my body,
a holy sceptre he placed in my hand.
The gods are sparrows -- I am a falcon;
the Anunnaki trundle along -- I am a splendid wild cow;
I am father Enlil's splendid wild cow,
his splendid wild cow leading the way!

* This was the time in which, although the position of the Great Mother was still strong, patriarchy was beginning to take hold.

The Holy Priestess of Heaven

I say, "Hail!" to the Holy One who appears in the heavens!
I say, "Hail!" to the Holy Priestess of Heaven!
I say, "Hail!" to Inanna, Great Lady of Heaven!
Holy Torch! You fill the sky with light!
You brighten the day at dawn!
I say, "Hail!" to Inanna, Great Lady of Heaven!
Awesome Lady of the Annuna Gods!  
Crowned with great horns,
You fill the heavens and earth with light!
I say, "Hail!" to Inanna, First Daughter of the Moon!
Mighty, majestic, and radiant,
You shine brilliantly in the evening,
You brighten the day at dawn,
You stand in the heavens like the sun and the moon,
Your wonders are known both above and below,
To the greatness of the Holy Priestess of Heaven,
To you, Inanna, I sing!
Sumerian Hymn quoted from Inanna Queen of Heaven 
by Wolkstein and Kramer.

Inanna: The Holy One

The people of Sumer parade before you.
They play in the street ala-drums before you.
The people of Sumer parade before you.
I say, " Hail !" to Inanna, Great Lady of Heaven!

They beat the holy drum and timpani before you.
The people of Sumer parade before you.
I say, " Hail !" to Inanna, Great Lady of Heaven!

They play the holy harp and timpani before you.
The people of Sumer parade before you.
I say, " Hail !" to Inanna, Great Lady of Heaven!
The male prostitutes comb their hair before you.
They decorate the napes of their necks with colored scarves,
They drape the cloak of the gods about their shoulders.
The righteous man and woman walk before you.
They hold the soothing harp by their sides.
Those who follow wear the sword belt.
They grasp the spear in their hands.
The people of Sumer parade before you.
The women adorn their right side with men's clothing.
The people of Sumer parade before you.
I say, " Hail !" to Inanna, Great Lady of Heaven!
The men adorn their left side with women's clothing.
The people of Sumer parade before you.
I say, " Hail !" to Inanna, First Daughter of the Moon!
The young men, who carry hoops, sing to you.
The maidens and coiffured priestesses walk before you,
They carry the sword and double-edged ax.
The ascending kurgarra priests raise their swords before you.
The priest, who covers his sword with blood, sprinkles blood,
He sprinkles blood over the throne of the court chamber*.
The tigi-drum, the sem-drum, and the ala-tambourine resound !
In the heavens the Holy One appears alone.
* Indication of (male) sacrifice rituals?

  Inanna and Dumuzi
"The Ecstasy of Love"

Last night, as I, the Queen, was shining bright,
Last night, as I, the Queen of Heaven, was shining bright,
As I was shining bright, as I was dancing about,
As I was uttering a song at the brightening of the oncoming night,
He met me,           
          He met me,

The Lord Kuli-Anna met me,
The Lord put his hand into my hand,
Ushumgalanna embraced me.
"Come now, wild bull, set me free, I must go home,
Kuli-Enlil, set me free, I must go home,
What shall I say to deceive my mother!
What shall I say to deceive my mother Ningal!"
"Let me inform you, let me inform you.
Inanna, most deceitful of women, let me inform you:
'My girl friend took me with her to the public square,
She entertained me there with music and dancing,
Her chant, the sweet, she sang for me.
In sweet rejoicing I whiled away the time there' -
Thus deceitfully stand up to your mother,
While we by the moonlight indulge (our) passion,
I will [prepare] for you a bed pure, sweet, (and) noble,
Will while away the sweet time with you in joyful fulfillment."
It is a sagidda.
I have come to our mother's gate,
I, in joy I walk,
I have come to Ningal's gate,
I, in joy I walk.
To my mother he will say the word,
He will sprinkle cypress oil on the ground,
To my mother Ningal he will say the word,
He will sprinkle cypress oil on the ground,
He whose dwelling is fragrant,
Whose word brings deep joy.
My Lord is seemly for the holy lap,
Amaushumgalanna, the son-in-law of Sin,
The Lord Dumuzi is seemly for the holy lap,
Amaushumgalanna, the son-in-law of Sin.
My Lord, sweet is your increase,
Tasty your plants (and) herbs in the plain,
Amaushumgalanna, sweet is your increase,
Tasty your plants (and) herbs in the plain.
It is a sagarra. A tigi-song of Inanna.

My Lady looks in sweet wonder from heaven.
She looks in sweet wonder on all the lands
And on the people of Sumer as numerous as sheep.

The Prayer of Enheduanna,
priestess of Inanna

Queen of all the ME, Radiant Light,
Life-giving Woman, beloved of An (and) Urash,
Hierodule of An, much bejeweled,
Who loves the life-giving tiara, fit for High Priestesshood,
Who grasps in (her) hand, the seven ME,
My Queen, you who are the Guardian of All the Great ME,
You have lifted the ME, have tied the ME to Your hands,
Have gathered the ME, pressed the ME to Your breast.  

* ME stands for "initiation"

Great Queen of Queens,
Have become greater than Your mother who gave birth to you,
(as soon as) you came forth from the Holy Womb,  
Knowing, Wise, Queen of All the Lands,
Who multiplies (all) living creatures (and) peoples --
I have uttered Your Holy song.  
Life-Giving Goddess, fit for the ME,
whose acclamation is exalted,  
Merciful, Live-Giving Woman, Radiant of Heart,
I have uttered it before You in accordance with the ME.
Dearest Queen, Beloved of An,
Let your Holy heart, the Noble, return to me,
Beloved wife of Ushumgalanna (Dumuzi),
Great Queen of the Horizon and the Zenith,
The Anunna have prostrated themselves before you.
Although at birth You were the younger sister,
How much greater You have become than the Anunna,
the Great Gods!
The Anunna kiss the ground before You.  
It is not my verdict that has been completed,
it is a strange verdict that has been turned into my verdict,
The fruitful bed has been abolished,
(So that) I have not interpreted to man the commands of Ningal.   
For me, the Radiant En of Nanna,
May your heart be soothed, You who are the Queen beloved of An.


2000 © Copyright Han Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.