
To begin with yourself


* Javanese mysticism (Kebatinan) & Traditional Javanese religious tolerance: a model to the world?
*The Yogya Kraton Myth
*Taman Sari 
*The Gunungan 
*Tutup Ngisor
*What we can do for Java....
*Java: Land of Kala, its Candi's (Temples):
Borobudur 1
*Borobudur 2

*Borobudur 3
*Borobudur 4

*Borobudur 5
*Borobudur 6
*Candi Mendut

*Candi Pawon
*Candi Ngawen
*Candi Sari
*Candi Kalasan
*Candi Sambisari
*Candi Prambanan
*Candi Lumbung
*Candi Bubrah

*Candi Sewu
*Candi Plaosan
*Candi Gebang
*Candi Ijo
*Candi Banyunibo






(The Unifying Symbol of Java and Indonesia)

Upon arrival at the airport Soekarno-Hatta (Jakarta) I admired this promotional scene. With the Gunungan as unifying symbol for Indonesia. Immediately I got intrigued.

Gunungan bought at Taman Sari, Yogya with Rahasa's (below), Makara's (middle), Kala Head, the Beasts and the Tree of Life, with the snake curled around the trunk




In the restaurant in the Yogya Kraton compound, I saw this beautiful wooden Gunungan

The symbolism og Gunungan represents key Indonesian (Javanese) values. It stands for integration of individual and culture. Being indispensable in Wayang it supports people to enter the temple of Life (also mountain or/and Merapi). This temple is guarded by Rahasa's (former forest spirits). Two Makara's or masculine extensions of Kala - the ancient MotherGoddess in Her destructive aspect - guarantee that nobody will enter the temple, without giving up his (or her) ego. Once accepted the initiate enters "paradise" symbolized by the Tree of Life, the positive aspect of Kala. Left and right of Her a waterbuffalo and a tiger*, the unity of opposites. This imagery goes back to very ancient times. It is corresponding with the LINK "Lady and Her Beasts",, the MotherGoddess as Lady of creation, the animals etc. In the spiritual Realm of the Tree of Life (symbol of the life-giving power of the Mother) the snake guides one to the highest level of spiritual Realization. And this all as the symbolism of a country. Unbelievable!

* During colonialism also interpreted as Asia against Europe...

Kala with Tree of Life


LINK e.g. The Yogya Kraton Myth, Taman Sari, Tutup Ngisor

The underpart

Two Makara's

The Gunungan (Serangan Umum 1 Maret) as symbol of Indonesia's liberation from colonialism (Yogya)

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Great Mother Buddhism

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Last revising: 07/18/12