The Call for Rebirth |
Usually, either researchers just describe (T. van Erp)
or explain phenomena through the eyes of Buddhist scriptures (J.L..Moens). The third (my)
way is to first look at basic elements. With an "unbiased" eye I put elementary
findings first, only later "filled in" with details. If one proceeds like that,
perspectives change, sometimes quite dramatically, like e.g. in the case of Plaosan. Where
was this temple all about? |

The first striking thing is that - like e.g. Borobudur,
Prambanan and Kalasan - Kala is everywhere. She is the universal, omni-present principle
that connects everything else. This is - of course - not accidental. It must have been
purposely done. It means that Plaosan is a "Kala-temple". While Kala is
uniform, emphasizing its transcendental Dimension, the images of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas
are individual. They play their personal roles against the background of the Unchanging
Absolute (Kala). |

These statues are (wo)man seize, the Kala's impressive.
Furthermore there are Kala's above gates (8x), niches (38x). The most astonishing thing,
however, are the Bodhisattva-heads, surrounded by a protective structure ((23x). Until now
I have not come across any explanation of this unique phenomenon. |

First some examples of gates with Kala heads |
 Kala head on next building |

 Kala head on top of entrance to a chamber |
 The entire facade |

Rather surprising: a solitary stupa built directly on
the ground. This is rare. Does this stupa underlines the mission of this temple e.g. a
place of rebirth? |



Head (centre) in between two Kala's (below and above) |
What is intrigueing are the heads of Bodhisattva's/Buddha's surrounded
by a protective structure. The latter could be interpreted as a stupa. The same idea as at
Borobudur (Buddha's in the stupa's) but portrayed differently here. Stupa's are
expressions of Enlightenment, ultimately they represent Nirvana or.....the Cosmic Womb.
Like J.L.Moens has described in the case of Borobudur, where he assumes that the Great
Stupa is the Realm for "birth and death" - a pre-Buddhist Javanese mythology - I
interpret these images as the birth of the Deity out of the Cosmic Womb.... |
Other temples e.g. Ngawen also have "Heads in the
Womb". The special thing about Plaosan is that there are so many of them. |


Indeed, a womb-like structure |
The abundant decorations/vegetation/clouds indicate the Heaven from
which this particular Bodhisattva is descending. Because these images are scattered all
around, "birth" of avatars must have been of utmost importance to the builders
of Candi Plaosan. The fact that this temple was created by a woman - Sri Kahulunnan - and
that furthermore it is very likely (J.L. Moens) that one of the vihara's (temples)
belonged to royal princesses e.g. priestesses....it is not too daring to assume that
Plaosan was indeed involved with rebirth philosophies. Why I will explain in part 2. |


A statue of Prajnaparamita ("Womb of the
Buddha's") seems to have been found at Plaosan. Again, some additional indication for
the possibilitiy of a female dominated enterprise at Plaosan. |
That one half of the temple was inhabited by women is
dryly mentioned by some authors (J.L.Moens/Mark Long). This female imput - not only in
case of Plaosan, but generally - doesn't stir too much excitement in the male researchers.
To me it is sensational: the feminine principle heavily involved with e.g. dominating an
entire Buddhist temple. It gives a totally different perspective - not only to the females
involved - but to our understanding of religious history on Java. |