History of our Initiative:
Europe Unite!
EU Presidency/Bundeskanzlerin
A.Merkel/President European Commission José Manuel Barroso/Prof. Hans-Gert Pöttering,
President of the European Parlament/Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Minister of Foreign Affairs
of Germany/Participants of the Reflection Group/Work e.g. 18 Month Programme about the
Continuation of EU Reform and the Constitutional Process/Dialog mit der Zivilgesellschaft
bzw Aktion Europa/die Bundesländer/The media etc., etc.
1. As you know, this June the
German Presidency of the EU will hold a follow-up meeting about a new European
Constitution. The definition of the "Spiritual and Cultural Dimension of
Europe" will again be under scrutiny. We have taken the freedom to proceed on the
Debate of the Reflection Group, organized by the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna) in
collaboration with the European Commission and the German Foreign Office of March 3, 2004
in Berlin, now culminating in a new proposal. The following is what we want to say. As
long as there was consensus about the separation of church and state - a model that came
into being in Europe - it was quiet at the front. In the meantime two things essentially
changed. People in the West are breaking away from "traditional" ties of the
religion e.g. Christianity and orientate themselves on a large scale toward new
spiritual values AND the influx of large groups of immigrants, usually people with a
different belief. Because the latter come from a different tradition many don't consider
the separation between church and state a self-evident thing. E.g. broad circles in Islam
plainly advocate a theocratic state. Christian fundamentalists have set their sights on
the same thing. The secular state doesn't have an answer to these developments, and
therefore feels threatened. E.g. the European Court of Human Rights passed a judgement in
favour of the ban of the Turkish (religious) Welfare Party, because the latter being
"against the principle of secularization".
European unity (in diversity)
without a common
spiritual foundation is an illusion
2. The paradox is this. The
strength of Europe - its secularization - is turning into weakness, when confronted with
new movements. Suddenly, there appears to be a gap - the absence of spiritual
culture - a gap, that can easily be filled up by others. One-dimensional-materialistic
politics have neglected the spiritual substance. Instead of taking the lead, the EU is
doing nothing but imputing on spiritual factions*. Exactly the opposite has to happen. In
order to prevent, that intolerant politicised groups are getting the upper hand, Europe
should fill in the gap itself, before others are going to do it. In order to guarantee
freedom, we have to further continue our own - in particular our spiritual - way. This
next step I call Existential
Consciousness. It departs from the
existential reality: "(Wo)man rooted in Heaven, earth and the community".
Precisely, by officially adopting these renewed humanistic values in its program, next to
the existing ones like freedom, tolerance and human rights, Europe will be able to
guarantee the permanent separation of church (the various religions) and state. Why?
Because spirituality and religion are two fundamentally different things. Spirituality is
existential, religion on the other hand, identifies itself with a particular message,
saviour or dogma. The former is "living (in) reality", the latter being a
derivative, a certain interpretation of reality. Hence, humanism, through its
greatest representatives - Sokrates, Meister Eckhart, Giordano Bruno, Erasmus, Spinoza,
Goethe, Schiller.... and.....Beethoven** - never denied the impersonal Principle and the
cosmic origin of man. On the contrary, precisely because this was so dear to them, they
rejected the church position as one of degeneration. Since we aim at a One World Community, all other traditions will be equally included. We think it is fair
to leave it to all non-Western peoples, to make their own contributions to the Whole,
based on their own religious, spiritual and cultural insights. We very much welcome your
committed actions!
* Think of the "sect-laws" of
e.g. Belgium, France and Austria. The situation in Eastern-Europe isn't optimal either,
not to mention Islamic countries.
** The European Hymn (Ode "An die
Freude") is an expression of the same Cosmic Spirit.
3. A culture with
having" as common denominator is doomed to go down. To have is a
surrogate for the loss of Being. The "everybody for himself" attitude makes
society more and more fragmented. While around us the symptoms of decay become more
prominent, in its centre a "new spring" is originating. More and more people
long for a meaning, a new basis in their lives, for unity in diversity. They understand,
that the world has turned upside down. The effects of the "dictatorship" of
science, technology, economy (STE-complex: prof.dr.E.Vermeersch) and media are becoming
increasingly evident: a mankind, addicted, disoriented and forced into line, amidst a
dismantled nature. How can we find (back) this unity in diversity, the foundation of a new
culture? How can we, in short notice, secure our future and that of our children? In
order for this crazy world to turn out all right again, we have to start with restoring
authentic spirituality as the foundation of our Western culture. Once established, it will
"automatically" extend itself to the corresponding areas of society, not only to
that of religion, but to e.g. (much) better care of ecology/the environment and the
renewal of the community.*
* See our "Healing the Planet in 10 Steps"
The (Northern) European "secular hell" is aptly
described by Roger S.Gottlieb1)
"A purely secular society seems to leave people with no
real reason but shop, amuse themselves, and seek power and wealth. It can lead to an
impersonal and exploitive sexuality, a cheapening of human relationships, a life in which
the people learn the price of everything, and the value of nothing. Wonder, awe,
reverence, self-awareness, or even the quiet peace of a simple Sabbath become harder and
harder to come by. Most important, there is nothing to sustain us as communities, and the
lack of community devastates all of our human relationships, leaving us with fractured
marriages, pointlessly rebellious teenagers, and business that will purvey physically and
culturally poisonous material without ever thinking that they have a responsibility to
anything but the next quarterly report. Too many politicians and professionals have a
similar lack of concern for anything but self-advancement".
1) Roger S.Gottlieb "A Greener Faith", 2006 Oxford
University Press
4. Recently, in its draft
constitution, the EU has rejected its "Christian foundation". Rightly
so. Europe is a multi-ethnic conglomerate with large groups of people that adhere to other
beliefs, as well. In the near future, this diversity will only increase. Because of that,
the generally laudable pluralism will show its shadow part: a fragmented culture, in which
unity is increasingly disappearing. Hence, the feverishly searching for a "common
spiritual denominator". Actually, the time that this can be (still) accomplished is
NOW. Very soon the demography will have changed in such a way, that a majority, necessary
for support, has diminished. Alarmingly, at the same time, fundamentalism is on the
increase. Not only Islamist, but also (and foremost) Christian (USA). The point is, that
above mentioned common denominator cannot be found with the existing belief systems. It
would mean favouring one over the other. It is something, that should be avoided at all
costs. On the other hand, all concerned should be able to recognize themselves in the
"compromise". An almost impossible task, it seems. The solution lies in
formulating an existential basis, which is the same for everyone.
2. 2012 Global Initiative: One World Community!
5. We have a hopeful message for
you. There is no need to search for this common existential foundation, it is
already there. Everyone and all participate in Reality, even if (still) not everybody
realizes it. We are all part of three "parallel" realities: our spirit having
its home in the Great Spirit (Universal Consciousness, Being, "Heaven"); our
body being part of nature (the earth), while our psyche (soul) is part of the community.
We don't create life, we are part of it. Hence, life being the celebration of the unity,
that is pre-existent. Existential suffering, on the other hand, consists of unconsciously
being identified with thoughts, emotions and desires, to such an extent, that you are
taken in tow all the time. By being "in thoughts" you are "thrown upon
yourself", cut off from reality. Addiction to the virtual world only adds to that.
Eventually, it is driving you even more into isolation. Spiritual people will emphasize,
that in life, there are actually only two options: opening up to the great Whole or -
through identification with your small self - to turn your back toward it. Are you
participating in Beings' abundance, or do you condemn yourself to the poverty of having,
that is the big question here. That's the reason, why spirituality isn't a search - no
"going the same way together" (while never arriving....) - but the opening up to
the riches of the Ultimate, which are there from eternity, already. All and everyone is
part of this "threefold origin" - "Heaven", earth and the community -
nobody or nothing excluded. Animals, plants, rocks, mountains, rivers and clouds are
embedded in it, as well. Everything originates in it, while returning to it. It is the
universal Matrix of life, the roots of eco-spirituality.
Existential Consciousness Shared by All:
indispensable for the integration of a multi-ethnical society
aiming at the foundation of a One
World Community
6. Heaven, earth and the
community" is the common denominator, which brings together all of humanity.
It encloses everything, it is inclusive, being the universal connecting factor. This in
contrast to religion. Religion as the identification with a particular belief-system -
saviour, holy book, dogma and church - on the other hand, locks out everything, that
doesn't fit into it, it is exclusive. It is cherishing only a part of reality, excluding
the "rest". Its own hypotheses have been elevated to "truth", while
all other people live "in darkness". These mutual excluding systems therefore
not for nothing always have been THE cause of schism, conflict, suffering and war. These
are no "deplorable incidents", though, but are inherent to every belief-system,
they are the unavoidable consequences of it. That's why "religion" impossibly
can become the binding factor of a multi-ethnical society. No wonder, that everybody is
afraid of an Islamic-Christian confrontation. As belief-systems they in principle
are excluding each other, regardless the degree of "understanding",
"dialogue" or "cooperation".* Belief-systems are - as we have seen -
only identifications, derivatives of reality, not Reality itself. "Heaven, earth and
the community", on the other hand, is the long-awaited context of life, the
"unity in diversity". And the miracle is this: from the very moment, that
religions drop their absolute claims, recognize, that they are branches of the same tree
of life - "Heaven, earth and the community" - suddenly an opening is found.
"Heaven, earth and the community" appear to be the existential roots, in which
everything - including religions - thrive**. Thanks to this indispensable threesome unity,
they eventually can redeem their vow: mankind consisting of brothers and sisters.
* Obviously, despite all principle
irreconcilabilities, the interfaith dialogues have always to be promoted. In particular
with "worldly" problems - good mutual relationships, tolerance, peace, justice,
the environment, protection of the family etc. - progress can be made.
** Acceptance of the existential foundation
doesn't deprive religions of their uniqueness. On the contrary, their belief-systems
remain fully intact. E.g. "there is only One God and Mohammed is His prophet".
The Essence of
spirituality: to become part of the Whole
7. Heaven, earth and the
community" as the threefold HereNow reality of all-that-lives, derives its
tradition from the first beginnings of mankind. In pre-history, it was experienced as an
"oceanic unity", while at the times of the agrarian revolution (10.000 BCE) it
was perceived as "cosmic marriage" - hieros gamos. In the Vedic literature one
comes across the image of the parallel reality": nature as Gods
body", which can be also found (in various forms) with Indigenous Peoples, Chinese
Universism, Japanese nature religion (Shinto) and as underground movement in European
culture, e.g. nature philosophy and alchemy. Everybody, therefore, should be getting on
with it. To start with "Heaven". Superficially, it seems, that
"Heaven" cannot possibly serve as common concept. At a closer look though, it is
just a matter of terminology. Heaven appears to be a concept, that suits various
interpretations. Isn't it so, that Christians name it "God", Muslims
"Allah", Buddhists Buddha-nature, Agnostics "Cosmic Intelligence", New
Age people "True Self" and Atheists "Nothingness?". Even the latter
can thus recognize themselves in it. This is not altogether unrealistic, since Buddhism
defines Ultimate Reality as "Nothingness". In our effort to define a common
denominator, aiming at providing a necessary basis for a One
World Community, goodwill has to be created. Religions traditionally fear
to loose their unique world view. Our mission is to operate from a common ground,
promoting trust and cooperation, realizing that "being rooted in Heaven, earth and
the community" not only benefits religions themselves (f.i. considering the massive
church abandonment), but also lays the foundation of inter-religious
8. Few will deny, that apart from
"Heaven", we are also part of the earth and the community. Everybody
thus "being part of Heaven, earth and the community", regardless the various
terms used for it. It therefore is the existential foundation, the common denominator of
the culture of all times. That's why I called it Existential
Consciousness. Against the background of (rapidly) increasing
fragmentation, meaninglessness and violence, an inclusive model like ours just comes at
the right moment. In a time, in which so much - the survival of (wo)mankind - is at stake,
it couldn't turn out better. Existential Consciousness
has to take its "rightful place" as the bearer of the culture. Our threefold
roots are the basis of a new "people's spirituality" promoting wholeness on all
levels of society. It connects to the deepest longings of mankind. It can be easily
understood, ways of practicing it easily developed. It can be shared with everyone,
restoring solidarity among people. Everyone - regardless descent, religion, race or gender
- can recognize him or herself in it. Reality is as it is, after all, a fact that cannot
be denied. Everybody is part of "Heaven, earth and the community", if you want
it or not. Reality doesn't need belief-systems, hierarchies, dogma's or priests, the only
thing to be done is to open yourself up. The paradox is this: once you have discovered
unity, diversity spontaneously becomes something that gives life extra colour, it becomes
life's delight. Sharing replaces distrust and animosity. "How wonderful all those
different people, animals and plants". Instead of excluding "the other" ,
the endless variation is being welcomed as the richness of the same Great Life. A
permanent source of misunderstanding, discrimination and conflict has thus been taken
away. It is like creation itself: diversity as an ode to Unity.
* See also: "(Wo)men rooted in Heaven and Earth"
Existential Consciousness as
the Unity in Diversity
9. Existential
Consciousness is open, inclusive, tolerant, renewing and
democratic. By making it the fundamentals of a One
World Community, it will become a shining example to All. Its values will
be recognized everywhere. People all over the world are in desperate need of true
spirituality. The core can be formulated as "to be yourSelf connected". Being
cut off from "Heaven, earth and the community" on the other hand, is the cause
of all suffering - alienation and isolation - the situation, in which the bulk of people
finds itself in. It is the "negative confirmation" of the authenticity of our
principle. People are estranged from ther True Self ("Heaven"), the earth (to
start with their own bodies) and the community. It is the cause of culture's degeneration.
In order to achieve a (cultural) turning point, the unity with "Heaven, earth and the
community" has to be restored. Suffering will be coming to an end. Now you will find
the context, from which life originates. Disorientation, meaninglessness, ignorance and
indifference have melted as snow in the sun. Freedom appears not to be for the
self, but from the self, it is being freed from all self-centeredness. In
opening-up for "Heaven, earth and the community", you will be granted
"supernatural gifts" like clear awareness, great intuition, vision, creativity,
receptivity and compassion. They are your guides in daily life. With their help you will
re-organize your life. You will undo of the superfluous - all things that obscure the
transparency of Being - to such a degree, that you restore the overview. Instead of a
constant energy leak, which brings you on the verge of exhaustion, a surplus value will
establish itself. The basic condition being a meditative life - to continuously being
geared to your body and spirit - together with connectedness to nature and a healthy
lifestyle. It not only gives you joy and lust for life, but also health and vitality,
sensitivity and compassion. That's why we push forward this our unique concept. It is
directed to all people. It should become an indispensable part of the educational system.
It is addressed to the United Nations, the European Commission, the national governments,
the parliaments, the media, international organizations (UNESCO), interfaith groups and
spiritual/religious organizations. We strongly ask European politicians to take their
responsibilities and provide the future Constitution with a binding paragraph, in which Existential Consciousness is included as the
spiritual foundation of our culture. The aim is nothing less but a One World Community, sharing common basic values.
10. 1961 was the year that Dag
Hammarskjöld died. Through a tragic air crash over Rhodesia. Many claim that the
plane had been shot down. Western interests colluded with a man, who had put the Truth in
the center of his actions. He was one of the very few who integrated deeply felt
spirituality (Meister Eckhart, Jan van Ruusbroec) and international politics. He went even
further "Unless there is a spiritual renaissance, the world will know no
peace". This statement is very revealing. It brings together inner and outer. We
therefore take it as the guideline to our work. Our goal is to carry on Hammarskjöld's
LEGACY, to realize what he tragically wasn't able to continue. With his spiritual
mandate we dedicate our lives to spiritual renaissance,
everything in the service of peace, justice and harmony with nature. Key to the
renaissance is "(Wo)mankind rooted in Heaven, earth and the community".
In order to achieve that goal we seek cooperation with the UN and affiliated
Han Marie Stiekema
Green Man
Let there be
no misunderstanding: now you are also
"fitted-in". Are you fitting in in "Heaven, earth
and the community" or in materialism,
that is the question
"Existential Consciousness"
is part of our "Healing the Planet" Initiative |