Mystic "Castle"
So colossal the Spanish
Monasteries/Churches can be! Totally impressive. I came here because my intuition had
whispered something into my ear. Actually, I didn't know anything about this complex. That
would quickly change. For at the frontside of the door.....I stood there like nailed |

An overwhelming view. Green Men everywhere!
Above, below, left and right. Closely packed. Very balanced faces as well as men who gone
out of their mind. Masks as decoration and as main players. So many representatives of the
aristocracy as Green Men I hadn't seen before. A bastion of very stubborn mystic
Godseekers that is how it looked like. And still, because today it is inhabited once again
by a contemplative group, a spiritual master of their own included..... |
First of all I started to
photograph the peripherical images. In order to slowly move to the center. (characteristic
of somebody who knows how to enjoy life....haha). First an "Asherah" pillar
(later Byzantinian), main feature of the holy places of the early MotherGoddess. Next to
it this funny face. It could be Baal, obviously "incognito". He is beautiful,
anyway... |
 The heraldy
of a prince: a Green Man below, one above who is bearing the crown |
 Strong and
selfconscious |
At this sight I could imagine
Wagner music...."Joyfully we enter this honorable hall"....Indeed, a feeling of
triumph. Here I have come home, my whole quest was just for this, to see this.....Then it
became silent in front of so much abundance... |
 Ditto |
 Ditto |
 Ditto |
 Ditto |
 A Templer
Cross with 6! Green Men all around |
Did you grasp it
already.....these were Templer. Officially Cisterciens, that's right, but......as far as I
understand it ......monks who were at the same time hosts i.e. allies i.e. comrades to the
Templer... |
Explanation: Two Green Men of
the aristocracy, together with the Templer Cross, that is protected by four other Green
Men. The former composed and turned within, the latter aggressive toward the outside
world. It is the reason why such a remote area (Osiera) had been chosen in the first
place: to be able to devote themselves to their religion in peace... |
That doesn' mean they had to
stay anonymous. Both men and women show all they are and have....It confirms their
incredible trust, indeed impertinence. They liked to be seen... |
Women are in no way
subordinate to men. On the contrary, to show yourself with such voluptuous breasts proves
their equal status or more, to say the least...These people possibly were the supporters
of the religious community. Their commitment is expressed by the fact that they preferred
to be portrayed as Green Men and Wise Women. Impressive! |
What impresses me also ist the
exotic touch. You feel you are in a different culture. It is a relief to experience this
wealth in the middle of our rationalized, one-dimensional, self-destructive society.... |
The church has a beautiful
front portal, as well. Two impressive heraldies - one with a Tree of Life (Cosmic Mother)
in the center - and two Green Men below, together with various princely child figures
clothed in leaves.. |
as Servant to the Cosmic Mother.....the Mother Scallop behind his head is proving it..... |