1. The existential suffering of
mankind can be defined as alienation from the Self ("Heaven", the Light, Buddha)
and isolation from the body (nature, the earth) and the community. Hence, the old concept
of liberation has to be seen in a new light. Rather than trying to escape from "the
world" (dissatisfaction with what is, and desire for what "is still to
come": the common attitude behind the practice), we have to restore relationship with
it. A first step could be made through everyday spiritual practice in which we combine the
longing for being one's Self ("vertical") with body-awareness exercises
("horizontal"). Homecoming is where it is all about. This is done by the
practice of a mantra "Back to the Depth of my Origin" (or also "part of the
Whole") combined with feeling awareness. Later the "Heaven and earth"
exercises may be added to it.* In these exercises ("tiendi qigong") you give in
to the gravity in such a way, that the energy is spontaneously moving upward. In order
this to happen naturally, a detached awareness is a conditio sine qua non. The outcome is
a continuous feedback between grounding, bodily sensations and awareness.

Early christian (gnostic?) orante position,
(originating from the archaic Great Mother tradition).
Twofold Origin
2. The core of your suffering is being cut off from
the vertical dimension of life: your True Self - "Heaven" - as with the
horizontal, your body and its direct environment: earth. Hence, you are disoriented,
uprooted, alienated and isolated. You are an island separated from the Ocean of Life.
Without roots you are in the grip of the small self: your self-centeredness, your
thoughts, emotions and desires. They appear to be stronger than you, to such an extent,
that you don't even know who you Really are. Additionally, your small self is amplified by
"society" in such a way, that no escape seems to be possible anymore.
Self-addiction runs rampant. However, you have paid a high price already. Stress, burn-out
syndrome, anxiety, depression, fatigue and exhaustion are already "surrounding"
you, poisoning the atmosphere. Life has become so complicated, that you now painfully feel
the consequence of missing a Center, your inner stability. Maybe you tried things already.
However, without solving your existential problem no any other problem will ever be really
solved. How can you cure the branches of a tree, if the roots are cut? Thus coming to Me
is a good idea.
3. Isn't it a fact beyond any belief,
that your spirit has its home in the Great Spirit (Consciousness, Buddhahood,
"Heaven"), while your body is part of nature? Yes indeed, it is existential.
Everybody without any exception is part of "Heaven" and earth. Whether you are
an atheist, agnostic, a humanist, christian, taoist, confucianist, buddhist, moslim, jew,
hindu, a member of an indigenous religion, some new sect or new age group, we all share
the same basic situation.Therefore, by restoring the Unity with "Heaven" and
earth, you will solve your existential problem of alienation and isolation. Subsequently,
your confusion and suffering will be turning into clear insight, Realization, joy, inner
balance, creativity, compassion, strength, optimal health and longevity.
4. The first step is to fully become aware of your
suffering. Without acknowledgement of your actual state, no any real healing is possible.
Instead of escaping, you open yourself to your reality as it is. If painful, then you feel
the pain. To such an extent, that the longing for wholeness will become deeply rooted in
yourself. The pain - alienation, frustration, and anxiety - has to become the trigger to
the quest for wholeness. Maybe it is the pain of past experiences, your relationships,
your work or the consequence of a false (pseudo-spiritual) identity. It doesn't matter.
Once you move into the right direction, you start acknowledging the fact, that your
spirit, your True Self - currently unknown by yourself - has its home in
"Heaven" - the Divine, the Great Spirit, Buddhahood - while your body is part of
the earth. Hence, a deep longing for home coming, for Unity, takes possession of you.
There are many ways of restoring the twofold Unity with "Heaven" and earth. You
may already have found your way. However, if this is not yet the case, we will continue
this introduction for you.
To become part of the
Whole rather than using It for your own purposes
5. The material wealth is the other side of our
Western spiritual poverty. Long ago our Essence - "Heaven" and earth - was, in
the name of "religion", taken from us and we were thrown back upon our selves.
As overcompensation for the inner loss, we took refuge in the ego, "growth",
accumulation and the material side of life. Spiritual Realization - the unity with your
deepest Self - was considered as "heresy", for which you could be burned on the
stake. An equally grave sin was to be connected to nature. Nature, the body, women and
sex, were denounced as works of the "devil". Ever since, our basic condition
still is the alienation from the Ultimate - the Heaven which we are ourselves - and
isolation from our body, nature, the earth. Our small self is deprived of its Origin, to
which it cannot return anymore. Because our small self lost its Home, it became completely
uprooted, disoriented, confused and restless. Nobody knew whom he was, where he came from
or where he was going. Rather than being a function of the true Self, our small self
started functioning on its "own", blowing itself up more and more. However,
without being rooted all our "achievements" whatsoever are illusionary - bubbles
- they appear to be nothing but poor substitutes of the "Real Thing". Hence,
despite all our efforts, unless we find this our twofold roots again, we will never be at
ease with existence. True homecoming means restoring the unity with where we belong: with
our spirit in the Ultimate and with our body in the earth.
You are safe from
Eternity. Teaching of the Twofold Origin: with your spirit in the Great Spirit
(Buddhahood) and with your body in the
earth. Initiation in the universal mantra (vertical), together
with the practice of body contact (horizontal) through
feeling awareness and the heaven & earth exercises
The Spiritual Practice
Rooted in "Heaven"
6. The starting point for entering the state of
Wholeness is painful self-awareness, longing and faith. Painful self-awareness is the
outcome of the realization of your real situation: your alienation from your True Self and
therefore from Heaven". This question has to be regularly repeated; what
is my actual condition in this moment, my actual state of awareness?" Am I in the
HereNow or somewhere else?" Am I really in the Moment, or lost in the labyrinth
of the mind, in thinking, dreaming or desiring?" Am I really honest or am I deluding
myself with false (pseudo-spiritual) self-images? Once you realize your alienation,
longing for restoring the Wholeness is born. It is the foundation of faith. The stronger
the longing, the easier faith in the Divinity within and without" will be.
Faith is needed, because you havent actually experienced "Heaven" yet. So
you have to accept, what somebody who has been at the Other Shore", will tell
7. Heaven is commonly understood as the sky. It is
the space, the matrix we all live in. We move in it and breathe its air. Through space all
that lives is interconnected, we all share the same space. Now space has different
dimensions, the visible" part and what is beyond. Both have a great deal of
transparency. For example, you see the sky, but in fact it is intangible. The intangible,
however, reflects something, which is totally beyond, something that cannot be grasped
with the five senses ever. It is the Homeland of the sky, it is the Great Consciousness:
Heaven". When you go beyond the sky, for example by looking at the sky in such
a way, that it becomes Seeing, then the true essence of the sky may be revealed to you.
Once you go beyond your own five senses, you go beyond the sky as well. Your inner Being
becomes suddenly united with the outer Being. Inner and outer appear to be One. You have
become Heaven" which You Are Yourself. Faith has turned into Realization.
Strive for Enlightenment
Restructure your life
Serve others
8. In The Original Great Mother Tradition
being rooted in Heaven", in the Ultimate, is one part of become Whole again,
apart from being rooted in the earth. It is the recognition of the fact, that we already
live in Heaven" without knowing it. Arent we already living in space
after all? Space as well as us share the same Homeland. One first (small) step of
experiencing it, is becoming so clearly aware of the space around you, that you start
seeing the light aspect of it. Another way, however, is to let an inner whispering become
the vehicle of your longing and faith. Something you can put into practice twenty four
hours a day. The usage of a mantra is as old as mankinds memory. It is the bridge
to the Other Shore", the Other Shore", which you Are your Self.
Therefore the quest for the Ultimate is the opening up to your Self, to What You Really
Are, the Heaven" within. The facilitating mantra I have chosen sounds
Back to the Depth of my Origin".
9. While breathing in you whisper Back".
Notice the contradiction of it. While you would like to go forward" the
back" reminds you of your Origin, the Source of all existence. Then, while
breathing out, you gently whisper to the Depth", accompanying your breathing
out until its deepest point. Then in the turning point, the sacred moment of
nothingness", of my Origin" is whispered in a very gentle, longing
and faithful way. The secret is this: First you use" the mantra to open up your
Self, later your true Self will use" the mantra to open you up. Once you feel
the (sudden) transition between effort - doing it yourself - and effortlessness -
something Within is doing it - then you will know, that a major shift has been made. Joy
comes up and gratitude, for the simplicity of this gift is Great. You have come Home. It
is the time, that the mantra can be simplified. Instead of Back to the Depth of my
Origin" only Origin", Depth" or Back" will come up.
However, in times in which your practice fades, regular going back to the entire mantra
appears to be recommendable. PS. Recently the mantra part of the Whole" has
become increasingly "popular".
Rooted in the Earth
10. The Twofold Origin" is the key
practice of The Original Tradition. As your spirit has its home in Heaven, so your
body-mind is part of the earth, while the earth is part of the universe. The universe is
the manifestation of the Ultimate, it is the mystical body of the Light".
Therefore, both your body and the earth are parts of the body of God". However,
through identification with your mind, your thinking, dreaming and desiring, you have lost
contact with both your own body and nature. You - the mind - became isolated, deprived of
your natural matrix. The natural state though, is to be integrated both with
Heaven" (vertical) on the one hand and the earth (horizontal) on the other.
Once you become (painfully) aware of your separation from the vertical (alienation), as
well as from the horizontal (isolation), you will start your search for healing, for
becoming whole again. For example, you see this tree in front of your home. You have seen
him your whole life. But did you really ever felt him? Did you really establish any deeper
contact with him ever? To feel the pain of being an outsider to this world, will certainly
help your longing for wholeness. To restore the unity with your body and your extended
body, nature and the earth, I emphasize the daily practice of feeling, body and contact
11. It is rather simple. The key function is called
feeling awareness". It means, that in every situation you will become aware of
the feeling contact of your body with its immediate surroundings. When you walk, you feel
your feet touching the ground, when you sit, you feel the contact of your bottom with the
chair and while lying down, you feel the sensations of your back in contact with the bed.
Notice, this is a feeling exercise. It is not about thinking! You will feel your feet
while walking, you are aware of the sensations, caused by the contact of your feet with
the ground. There appears to be a direct relationship between awareness and feeling,
without thoughts interfering. Also, this exercise has nothing to do with concentration.
Through concentration you narrow your mind in order to stick to something, e.g. an inner
or outer object. It requires will power and is therefore limited. You will become tired,
distracted or get headache sooner or later. Feeling awareness, on the other hand, is
opening yourself up like a flower. Instead of going out", you relax and remain
centered, while the feelings and sensations are coming to you. It is the
feminine" way. While things come to you, you open up more, enjoying both your
feelings and your expanding awareness. Feelings and awareness thus having a positive
feedback towards each other. The more inner clarity, the more intense the felt energies
and vice versa. Hence, the slogan is watch and feel, feel and watch". By doing
so, your awareness will slowly establish an integration between your body and its
surroundings. By doing so, more and more of your (direct) environment will become part of
your inner space. Everything appears to be an extension of your body, becomes
To Restore the
Unity with your Self, your body and nature, your psyche and fellow human beings, while
surrendering to the Ultimate"
12. Great joy is born. The chair, the floor, the
table with the flower vase, all become the experience of your extended body, hence your
separation has ceased to exist. You feel interconnected, a part of a greater whole again.
You realize to never have been lonely ever, for via your body you are always in contact,
uninterruptedly. Realizing this, great gratitude is born, you may spontaneously kneel on
the ground kissing it, simply for being there, for its great gift. Everything you touch,
is a part of you, hence real compassion is born, the same compassion a mother feels for
her child. You love your neighbor like yourself". If one hurts a tree you are
hurt, if one hurts an animal the same. Note: Youre hurt - the self - and not-hurt -
your inner Space. Moreover, everything has regained its original wonder and awe.
Everything you touch has the touch of the mystery of existence. You see and feel the
expression of the Divine in everything around you. Therefore, while touching the tree, the
leaves and the flower, you may intuitively whisper: the body of God". Once you
have established this primordial" unity, the second step will be to practice
your feeling awareness", while doing more complicated things, for example
brushing your teeth, reading the newspaper, in making love, driving the car, rushing to
the meeting, watering the plants or cooking. While doing these things, you keep feeling
your feet, bottom and back. The last degree of difficulty is to remain
undisturbed", while communicating with human beings, in the meeting, while talking,
while arguing or helping.
the greatest freedom: to
become part of the Whole again
13. Crucial in the practice of your twofold Origin
is the simultaneity. It is about whispering the mantra, while simultaneously practicing
feeling awareness. Only then sooner or later (sooner) the Vertical - "Heaven" -
will be overflowing in the horizontal - your body, the earth - in the crossing of the two,
the Heart. In the Heart you are transcending the duality, in such a way, that it appears
to be Oneness, the all-embracing Dimension. The earth has - once again - become part of
the abundance of Heaven". Once established, joy, true insight, strength and
compassion will be overflowing and never leave you anymore. A new (wo)man is born, one who
is renewing the world together with (her)him. You appear to be the Space in which
everything is interconnected. Your freedom is limitless, while committed to all
sentient and non-sentient beings". You have become One with the dance of the
universe, doing through non-doing - wu-wei - silence in action. Once united with your
Origin, many will seek refuge in you. You will share you Wholeness with the despaired,
your Love with those who suffer, your Light with those who are ignorant and your Strength
with the deprived. Or you will be simply a good neighbor or friend.
Heaven & Earth Exercises
Exercise Nr. 1 Walking
14. Take a relaxed position while standing, your
eyes are half-open. Unlock your knees and bend your pelvis a little forward. Relax. After
a short time you will feel the weight of your body increase in your feet. Watch and feel.
Become receptive. Start balancing your feet by alternatively bringing your weight a little
to your right and left foot, to the front and backside and then to the middle. By going up
- feeling awareness - you balance your legs, knees, pelvis, spine and head. Just watch,
feel and move a little in all directions until you have found your inner most relaxed
position. Watch your breathing.
15. Fold your hand and press them against the middle
of your breast. It will help you to become centered as you feel them all the time. Then
you start walking. Bring your weight into your left foot. By doing so your right foot will
start moving. Place your right foot one foot ahead. While touching the ground you bring
your weight from your left foot to your right. At the same time your left starts moving.
You place it one foot ahead and so on. A few important things. First you watch and feel
your steps continuously. You feel the touching of the floor all the time. Secondly you
walk very slowly. By walking very slowly your awareness will grow. It will expand,
becoming very clear and alert. Thirdly you walk at an equal pace. Walking at an equal pace
stops you thinking about your walking.
You are part of Me,
therefore I love you like myself
16. Until now you have been balancing your walking
through your feet only. Try also the extended exercise. While including your feet, you
extend your watching and feeling to your heels, ankles, toes, the space between your
steps, watching and feeling your lower legs by feeling the skin in contact with your
clothes, your knees, your pelvis and your entire body respectively. Your walking becomes
effortless. A total new awareness is taking possession of you. First you perceive an ultra
thin layer between the inner and the outer space. Then suddenly this layer
evaporates", inner and outer become one. Your body has disappeared"
into space arousing great ecstasy.
Exercise Nr. 2 (Tiendi Qi
17. Stand up with unlocked knees, your feet about
one foot distance from each other. As you let go, you will feel the weight of your body in
your feet. Feel your feet in contact with the ground. Sooner or later the ground will
absorb your feet" in such a way that the latter disappear as separate
entities". The heavier your body becomes, the easier it will be to also feel your
knees and hips disappearing". Now you are firmly rooted in the earth. It is the
starting point for the exercise. In the mean time, your mind has calmed down in such a way
that feeling awareness" is born. It means you watch and feel simultaneously.
Watching and feeling, feeling and watching is where this exercise is about. Their ongoing
feedback will bring you to the limits of the self and beyond.
18. The exercise has four principles. First, you
always remain aware of being rooted in the earth. That means, all (later) movements of the
arms are sprouting out" from the roots. There will be always a direct feeling
connection between arms, feet and ground. Any disconnected feeling immediately has to be
repaired", before going on with your movements. Secondly, all arm movements
will always be very slow, at a constant speed" and always symmetrical, in order
to optimize your watching and feeling. They move spontaneously, from within. From there
you let your arms go the way they want to go. Thirdly, there will be regular stops of
several seconds, in which the feeling awareness" deepens itself. Last but not
least, there are the wings". These are the only movements - of the hands -
which follow a certain pre-conceived pattern.
I only tell you what You
know already
19. Your arms are alongside your body. Bend your
wrists in such a way, that your hands go ninety degrees up. Through watching and feeling
your roots, these both your hands may then start moving. You will feel the energy coming
out of the earth, flowing though your body into your arms and hands. Let the clarity of
mind and the energy together determine the direction, the kind of movement. Your are
standing there like a tree, with its branches moving very slowly in unknown direction. The
only thing you do, is keeping contact, the watching and feeling. You watch and feel how
the movement spontaneously develops from within. You just follow!, looking what is
happening with amazement. Your attitude will be that of a child, every moment is unique
and exciting. You never know, what is coming next. And you will not ask yourself. Your
mind has completely dissolved in the watching and feeling, with the result, that the
HereNow, timelessness, has taken possession of you. Undisturbed - also with regard to the
people passing by - undistracted and spontaneous, your movements will be in total harmony
with existence. The moments of deliberate rest, will only deepen this your inner bliss.
20. The wings" are a little difficult to
explain. Whenever your have your hands stretched out before - or at the side - of you, a
special movement of the hands is made. First, the hands move from a horizontal position
into the vertical, in which the wrists bend ninety degrees. You are facing the backside of
your hands. Pause. Then the hands will go a little up - two centimeters - the fingers
spread to their maximum, bend forward, after which their fingertips come together in one
point. The hands then bend further backwards in their wrists, in such a way, that the
fingers again adopt the vertical position, after which your arms push the hands forward,
as if you want to push the air away from you. Once having seen it, is much easier than I
can explain here on paper. Usually, the entire exercise lasts 25 minutes. Do it every day,
preferably in the early morning, outside in the park or in your room with the window open.
It adds empowerment, dynamic energy, bliss and harmony with Heaven and earth"
to your everyday experience. You finish by slowly bringing" back your arms
alongside the body, taking a deep breath and rubbing your hands. Note: this exercise can
be further developed. For instance, co-ordinated movements of both arms and and legs and
movements with bells. To harmonize with nature, the heaven & earth exercises are
occasionally done naked. A good idea for many other body-oriented exercises?!
Exercise Nr. 3 Standing
21. There are two varieties of this meditation: the
standing and the sitting one. Here only the standing one will be demonstrated. Stand with
your feet parallel and about sixty centimeters from each other. Knees are unlocked to a
considerable degree, your pelvis turned forward in such a way, that your trunk exactly
fits - clicks" - into the pelvis. The spine is straight. In this position you
bring your arms up to the sky, in such a way, that they take the shape of a chalice. They
neither bend forward nor backward, but are sprouting" exactly laterally from
both shoulders. A certain pleasant tension will be felt. Your awareness, however,
isnt fixed there, but moves to your feet. Like in the first exercise, your watching
and feeling will soon establish a feeling of unity with the earth. You let your feet and
legs sink deeper and deeper, until the feeling of separateness completely has gone. The
miracle is this: by just remaining in the underpart of your body" firmly rooted
in the earth, all effort to keep your arms up disappears. To such an extent, that the
stronger you are rooted in the earth, the more spontaneous your arms will be moving
towards the sky. They are even pulled towards it (...). The secret behind this is, that by
taking the heaven & earth position", you become in tune with the
centripetal and centrifugal forces of the earth. The same forces which determine the
growth of plants, shrubs and trees.
Everybody without any
exception is rooted in
Heaven" and earth
22. Didnt you notice? The more firm
you are rooted, the easier it is for you to keep you arms up to the sky. It is because
your watching and feeling is in your roots only! Sometimes you even will experience your
arms going up so strongly, that you are hardly able to stay rooted. Limitless power takes
possession of you. Pulled both toward heaven and earth" your Center, the Heart
will be opened. Great joy, a sweet bliss or the feeling of triumph" will arise
in you. Energy, love and compassion are overflowing from your inner Space to your direct
surroundings. It is the completion, the fulfillment and the acme of existence. A deeper
layer - something in which everything is new - has revealed Itself to you. Here you find
limitless and timeless clarity, an very alive silence, and the absence of all thinking, a
loving connectedness with everything around you and an ongoing joy. Seen from the Center,
your mind - thinking, feeling, desiring, and dreaming - appears to be your periphery. The
exercises take around 15 minutes. After that a deep laughter may come up. How
self-centered and serious you were before. How anxious, compared to the liberating joy,
which is now overflowing. You are like a carefree child, enjoying the garden of the
Exercise Nr. 4 Celebration
23. After having finished the previous exercise, a
deep feeling of gratitude may come up. Everything around you appears to be part of you,
hence you love the trees and the grass like yourself". Your hands
automatically" will move towards each other, greeting everything around you
with gassho (namaste)*. Your Heart is greeting the Heart of things and vice versa. Do you
see how the trees have moved their faces" towards you? While slowly,
consciously and greetingly walking, you celebrate the deep communion with everything
existing. It is a communion, which has been there always without you noticing. However,
once experienced, you will never be the same again.
The traditional Asian greeting
24. The suffering of mankind is alienation from
ones Self (vertical) and isolation from ones body and nature (horizontal).
Hence the first step is to restore the unity with both Heaven" and earth.
(Painful) awareness of ones actual situation, longing for Wholeness and faith are
the decisive factors here. Once the basics are taken care of, further steps are possible.
25. To fit in (in the Whole) appears to be the
highest freedom. Moreover, Enlightenment isnt personal, it isnt something to
achieve for yourself". The more pre-occupied you are, the lesser the chance
that it is going to happen. It is just an (unexpected) side-effect" of the path
of Unity. The purity of intention is where it is all about.
the Inner State of the universe
See also:Photo Heaven & Earth Exercises & Video Heaven and Earth Exercises
Heaven and Earth Exercises |